Trade Show Training

“People are here to do business so they’ll stop by the booth anyway.”

This one belief is destroying most of your ROI from attending trade shows.

Most people attending trade shows have this mindset, and it’s costing their business tens of thousands of dollars in lost opportunity & wasted resources.

Fact: Everyone at attending a trade show has somewhere else to be. They’re on their way to a speaker session, a business meeting, or another booth to speak to your competitor.

If you don’t accept this, your company is spending $30,000 – $50,000+ to reserve your space, outfit the booth, fly your staff to the event, put them up in a nice hotel only to fumble the opportunity at the very last yard.

On the other hand, if you master the art of stopping traffic, building interest, and creating connection with attendees, then you can outcompete everyone else who believes colorful signage is enough to create business.

Helping you do that is our speciality.

We offer comprehensive solutions to maximizing trade show ROI by training your staff, and developing custom-designed strategies for stopping traffic, building crowds, and informing them about the benefits you can offer them in a way that makes them want to know more.

All our solutions are different so we do not offer cookie-cutter answers.

In order for us to truly explain how we can help, let’s have a conversation.